
Friday, March 16, 2012

Sex Education

This article won a prize:

Stayfree Time To Change! IndiBlogger Contest Winner


"Sex" a healthy biological concept, is it termed "dirty" and censored" even today? Do we still feel a sense of guilt/shame as we talk about sex?. 

It has been ages since the concept of separating the two wonderful human genders on this earth existed. Today the evolution has taken over.  And children are no more at the mercy of cheap pornographic pictures, or the fear of misinformation from equally ignorant friends. Many educated families inculcate "sex" education in children in sober, positive, and compassionate methods. Yet how far has it gone successful in schools? Though the western world inculcates sex education yet there are still not any less of teenage pregnancies which is a due concern in India too. Is it not a must to be taught in schools too? And that includes  "bad and good touch" to the pre-adolescent too. 


Access to pornography, condom commercials are as common as coffee or toffee advertisements. Why Popular  Bollywood movies of recent times have been quite educative on such topics while women crime has dirty and high statistics today.

For a moment I was frozen today evening as my mere seven years old narrated me how her day with her friend was." .....And you know amma, I told Stina how a baby is born. You have to push, the doctor will pull it out. But I am sure you don't need the vacuum cleaner always isn't it?"  One big lump in my throat and I managed to speak "errr we will speak at home, I am driving and there is a signal ahead". I am still thinking over it that it came too soon and how do I handle this tomorrow. And what about Stina? I am sure her mom has a surprise too. Huh.

Our children should be empowered with knowledge instead of exposing them to the hypocrisy of the adults. Denials or avoiding would definitely break the boundaries of frankness. Being open to children is tough BUT important as they decide the fate of their tomorrow. And we adults serve as a guide today. Apart from literacy the education should include sex-education in the overall personality department and should be regarded as primary responsibility in schools. Earlier generations grasped the terms with their sexuality with natural circumstances or the mother teaching the menstrual hygiene to daughters. Today the schools have taken the responsibility of this to major extent, with partial options kept open with councellor present in school for support. We go ahead to educate children with the most abstract of science yet refuse to inculcate the most commonest phenomena of human science. Do we want to make social, ethical boundaries to this? I think they are divine and children rightfully should be bestowed with it. The schools do teach hygiene, must also encourage a child to recognise objectionable behaviour, bad touch. A mere sense of when to raise a alarm upon someone behaving irresponsibly  forms a part of it. Putting aside the gender bias it is also time to realise that both gender are equally prone to any social evils or crime. A healthier education in right manner remains in the required list for the two genders equally and at the same time demanding the moral responsibility by both the guardians and the schools.

While I also respect the fact that a holistic sex education will surely not eradicate the crime in the society and might even have pitfalls or negatives of its own, yet it promises a flicker of  better social conditioning and better bet on fighting social evils.

Isn't it time for change?. Isn't today's evils of society a wake up call?



  1. Replies
    1. thanks Satish.One comment from my frequent reader is enough to make my day.

  2. Poor STINA :D
    Good perspective on this issue can show some better improvements, hopefully this kinda education should not bring a negative growth rate in crimes.
    But speaking about sex education in India.
    am not sure whether all parents can allow their wards to take a study on it.
    Time wil change.
    an insightful post ji :)

  3. nice post
    sex education is the requirement of today and in India it will be difficult as due to our cultural. in many schools they starts a class on sex education and commerecial also helps in this, when children ask about sex or some term related to it, yes it is difficult to handle those situations.

    1. You bet Chirag- I have written this post after my experience on the topic. And believe me my daughter reads each & every post of mine trying to understand her bets out of it, and this one too!!

  4. Sushma, I often read your page, but this time read twice, very well written.

  5. A sensitive subject handled well:)

    1. RahulJi- If you say so. I did the writing more as an open discussion with my opinions straight base don my experience.

  6. It is a sensitive subject as children from different socio-economic relate the subject differently. Boys & girls mature at different levels with accompanying physical changes. Personal hygiene in girls on those difficult days plays a major role and not all schools have facility for coping with this as girls in that age are not open to express their predicament. It would be difficult for regular teachers at schools to handle this where only male teachers are available and at home not all parents view the subject sacrosanct. We need to have counselors from NGOs on a visiting basis to handle this subject without interfering the religious beliefs of children.

    1. @ Banashri-valid points to note yes- necessarily not a part pf curriculum but based on visiting experts- the schools can shoulder responsibility as today's education sees its true meaning in wider sense with more broad minded inhabitants like in India too.

  7. This is my first visit to your blog. Stunned. Awesome and needed post. Thanks

    1. Welcome Latha- and hugs to you for the lovely words. My followers and readers are my great assets.

  8. Hi Sushma, very nice post and you have rightly said it. Sex education to students is a very sensitive topic and must be dealt with in a proper manner. Avoiding the topic altogether will cause today's generation to find out through different methods. Our media and entertainment is enough to get this done. So yeah, I guess a change is necessary in how one deals with this subject.
    Lovely post and thanks for your feedback back at my blog :)

  9. Offcourse it is essential...and very well written post...very sensitve but handled well...liked it,promoted !!

  10. I remember my mom feeling a bit weird when telling me about sex. Hey, but things are so 'open' today, its healthy, and I hope it brings down eve teasing,pinching and brushing which happens in the local bus etc. If girls or boys have knowledge they will be better able to take care of themselves. Great one Sush!

  11. We were taught "sexology" in our all girls' school. I remember the teacher was an old lady doctor. Sex is normally between two individuals and is private. That is why it is a sensitive subject and should be handled only by trained teachers. It is necessary though. If young kids don't understand it they will have problems handling their own feelings. Worse, they will never know a predator until too late.

  12. Very thought provoking post.

    As far as India is concerned, most of our population is in rural parts which makes it quite difficult to implement this system.

    Seven year olds watching 3 Idiots ...? :)

  13. I hope someday this topic will be accepted as normal in our culture. So far I see the giggles, hush hush and other similar behavior when you talk about sex. Hope we will see change someday

  14. Any education will only be meaningful when it is communicated with love, with tenderness.

    The pr0blem with sex today is that it is devoid of love and tenderness. That's why condom is the best intercession!

  15. I was myself so hesitant bringing up this topic that I am ashamed of myself to leave a comment here ;)
    Good topic to bring up Sush

  16. Sex education is our need for education today..........accessing of lot of porn content is making dirty mind and dirty experiment with personal sex life.

  17. Hi Sushma,
    Nicely written post. Sex education is necessary I agree with your point. But before directly jumping to that point. We should see how many children of our country are going to school and are not malnourished (45 % children are malnourished). There are lot children in our country who are not going to school are really need motivation from many of us. Probably it's time we should come ahead and try to convince them for school. And then second step should be to give additional education which is necessary as per you post.

    Anyways a nice post. All the best for the contest. Hope you do read it and reply back to this comment ;)

  18. Hi Sushma,
    Nicely written post. Sex education is necessary I agree with your point. But before directly jumping to that point. We should see how many children of our country are going to school and are not malnourished (45 % children are malnourished). There are lot children in our country who are not going to school are really need motivation from many of us. Probably it's time we should come ahead and try to convince them for school. And then second step should be to give additional education which is necessary as per you post.

    Anyways a nice post. All the best for the contest. Hope you do read it and reply back to this comment ;)

    1. Hey
      Yes A different need and very much pressing is the fulfillment of hunger and basics for the needy in India and also schooling. I have not considered writing over it till now. Appreciate pointing that.

  19. Hi Sushma,
    Nicely written post. Sex education is necessary I agree with your point. But before directly jumping to that point. We should see how many children of our country are going to school and are not malnourished (45 % children are malnourished). There are lot children in our country who are not going to school are really need motivation from many of us. Probably it's time we should come ahead and try to convince them for school. And then second step should be to give additional education which is necessary as per you post.

    Anyways a nice post. All the best for the contest. Hope you do read it and reply back to this comment ;)

  20. seriously true- there is another section where there are greater needs too

  21. Congratulations

  22. My younger brother's friend's sister who must've been in 1st grade, her classmate tells her, "u let me touch your back,i'll give u a pencil" .. They're what, 6? Thankfully, she did know about inappropriate touch and she came home and told her family.
    This is very necessary in schools now-a-days.
    Also,congratulations! :D

    1. Yes, these things have been heard commonly and children have been taught self awareness . Thank You for your wishes.

  23. This is my first visit to your blog and read the post. Very thought provoking.
    Hope our next generation get it which we missed.

  24. Wonderful blog and equally good topics out here.


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